Thyme project2024-06-13T13:09:58+01:00

The Project

The project “Transferring (Feet) Head Heart Hands Youth Methodology to (Middle) East” (THYME) is focusing on global citizenship and its education, democracy, and sustainable development. That goes in line also with European Youth Goals. THYME aims at developing the awareness of youth as global citizens, and enabling them to explore how can they influence a local community to be more sustainable. Their local community will be their point of departure to explore can it be smarter and more sustainable.

Therefore, THYME is planning to transfer “(Feet) Head Heart Hands” proven Youth Methodology to the Arab area through a series of activities. First the European partners (from Italy and Spain) will host trainers from partner countries to train them on how to use the methodology, in a job shadowing model. After that, the European youth workers will go to the partner countries (Lebanon, Jordan) and apply the methodology (different workshops) with youngster form the partner countries, training other youth workers alongside the process. And the end, the European partners will host the youth (who participated in the activities in the Arab area) to make them work with youth from Europe, in a youth mobility model.


Feet, Heart, Head, Hands is the pedagogical and didactic method experimented by Jesuit Father Fabrizio Valletti during his twenty years of experience in difficult environmental contexts such as Scampia, a peripheral district of Naples, a frontier territory, a former drug-dealing centre of the city, known exclusively for the numerous negative facts of the crime news. This methodology is used by EITD through a person-centred training approach. “Feet, Heart, Head, Hands” methodology accompanies the learning process through all the integrated phases:

Feet: discovering yourself by escaping from the static conception of the self

Head: learning how to think well

Heart: learning how to feel the self and the others

Hand: becoming artisan and creators

On the other hand, the pedagogic approach “Head, Heart, Hand” (used by Scholas) finds the expression in three languages that permeate Scholas’ activities: play, art, and thought. These languages intend to express reality and to cultivate soft skills whose importance is often neglected.

– Supporting growth based on creativity and teamwork, play and sport

– Educating through art

– Reaching youngsters by speaking their language


– Job shadowing

-Training courses on a local level, using existing methodology

-Youth mobilities (workshops implying national practices to compare with other foreign local communities)


-12 Arab youth workers, 2 from each partner organization done job shadowing in Europe, and 2 from each partner organization done job shadowing in their home country

-115 European youngsters (30 Italians + 85 Spanish)

-145 Arab youngsters (65 Jordanian + 80 Lebanese)

Expected impact:

-Contributing to the “Engage” priorities of the EU Youth Strategy 19-27

-Building on outcomes of the European Youth Goals

-Improving the involvement of young people in democratic life

-Improving the innovative capacities of young people in Partner countries

-Improving the capacity of the youth sector to work transnationally with care of inclusiveness, solidarity and sustainability

-Upscaling existing practices (Italian and Spanish) and outreach beyond Europe

-Demonstrating inclusion and accessibility of target groups with fewer opportunities

-Transferring new tools and non-formal learning methods, promoting the acquisition/improvement of competences

-Youth apply sustainable practices for achieving SDGs

-Improved global competences: they became citizens of a democracy in their own country


Increase intercultural and global competences for youth

Youth to develop an awareness as citizens, both on a local and international level

Youth to investigate and find concrete and sustainable solutions to challenges in their local community

Youth to be acting individuals, not just passive to challenges they might face in the future

Project facts

  • Grant Agreement number: 101051975
  • Project title: Transferring (Feet) Head Heart Hands Youth Methodology to (Middle) East
  • Project acronym: THYME
  • Project budget: € 369.556,39
  • Requested EC grant amount: € 295.645,11
  • Starting date: 01 April 2022
  • Duration: 24 months

Work packages

WP1: Project management and coordination

T1.1 Day-by-day management

T1.2 PMB meetings

T1.3 Financial and technical reporting

WP2: Job shadowing

T2.1 Jordanian youth workers job shadowing in Italy

T2.2 Lebanese youth workers job shadowing in Spain

WP3: THYME’s methodology appliance in Arab area

T3.1 Italian workshop for youth in Jordan

T3.2 Spanish workshop for youth in Jordan

T3.3 Italian workshop for youth in Lebanon

T3.4 Spanish workshop for youth in Lebanon

WP4: Youth mobility in Europe

T4.1 Lebanese youth mobility in Italy

T4.2 Jordanian youth mobility in Spain

WP5: Quality assurance and monitoring

T5.1 Definition of quality procedures and methods

T5.2 Monitoring of project activity

T5.3 Monitoring for project workshops

WP6: Dissemination and Exploitation

T6.1 Dissemination plan

T6.2 Project’s website, its maintenance and dissemination materials

T6.3 Organization of info days and final event


EITD is a limited company, established in 1994. It develops consultancy projects and interventions in favour of private companies, and technical advice in favour of public administrations, initial and continuous vocational education and training, actions of analysis and socio-economic research.

Areas of intervention

Actions aimed at increasing the skills of individuals and organizations, through:

  • Make new professional profiles consistent and adopt innovative teaching methodologies (including with ICT tools), to promote the socio-economic inclusion of the individual;
  • Promotion and management of business incubators, guidance, training, mentoring and assistance to activities aimed at entrepreneurship and start-ups;
  • Planning and management of interventions and consultancy services, guidance, professional support and insertion / reintegration into the labour market
  • Advice to small and medium-sized enterprises, public administrations and organizations on the opportunities offered by the European Funds in order to encourage the creation of international networks;
  • Participation to European calls for Innovation and Technology Transfer (especially Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, COSME, Digital Europe, CERV programmes);
  • Positioning in the innovation ecosystem as an innovation enabler for organizations and communities in
  • Southern Italy;
  • Carry out social activities aimed at giving voice and space to those who are marginalized by culture, geographical position or working condition.


These principles guide us – Centrality of human capital – Cooperation – Quality and innovation – Work ethic – Development of networks and learning communities at local, national and transnational level – Actions focused on quality and innovation.

The origin and the institution

Since its inception, Pope Francis dreamed of Scholas as the possibility of giving a concrete response to the call of this era, conferring on it the task of educating in the openness to the other0020and start creating a new culture: the Culture of Encounter.

Today, more than twenty years after his first experience in Argentina, dreamed up by the then archbishop Jorge Bergoglio -today Pope Francis- Scholas is constituted as an International Organization of Pontifical Law, with offices in Argentina, Vatican City, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Haiti, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Mozambique, Panama, Paraguay, Portugal, Romania and the United States.

Scholas works to achieve the SDGs directly, through the implementation and development of educational programs (around art, sports and technology) and the establishment of strategic alliances with multiple social actors.

Scholas is also a member of Mission 4.7, an initiative born in December 2020 that brings together leaders from government, academia, civil society and business to accelerate the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development throughout the world.

The Lebanese Development Network (LDN) is a national non-profit organization “dedicated to assist individuals, communities and institutions build their capacities by conveying knowledge and improving practical performance to enable them manage the changing social requirements, catch opportunities and meet the development challenges.”

Established in 2008, LDN works in the education, culture, economy, social and health fields through the various strategic levels of Capacity Building, Social Marketing and Networking Practices, and provides Consultancy, Training and Program Development services.

We endeavor to enhance new paradigms for SMEs, Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in collaboration with both the public and private sectors, and to promote the culture of democracy, human rights, dialogue and citizenship. To date, more than 7200 trainees, about 700 prominent international, regional and local organizations, and around 40 public and private institutions have either partnered or benefited from one or more of our services such as the World Bank, UNDP, EU, USAID,

American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA), Danish Refugee Council, International Medical Corps, IREX, Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), Norwegian Refugee Council, Relief International, Save the Children, UN-Habitat, UNHCR, World Vision, Global Fund, Diakonia, Arab Human Rights Fund (AHRF), Arab Thought Foundation, Jordan River Foundation, Mentor Arabia Foundation, AMIDEAST, Lebanese Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs, Lebanese Red Cross, American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanese American University (LAU), Berytech…

Jordan Youth Innovation Forum (JYIF) is a Private Non-Governmental Organization founded in 2007. JYIF works on empowering youth to increase their active participation in the development process, building a community of young entrepreneurs who are capable and inspired.

JYIF efforts are beyond national levels, targeting youth inclusively from the MENA region, as well as refugees, which stems from one of our core values; Equality and inclusion. We work on creating opportunities for youth through local and international development projects, embracing their abilities and potentials. Additionally, JYIF forms alliances with local youth organizations building their capacity to serve youth.

  • History: Caritas Lebanon (CL) is an organization founded in 1972 in Lebanon, and officially authorized in 1976.
  • Vision: CL strives for an environmentally sustainable and economically inclusive developed world in which all people lead peaceful, just, and dignified lives in harmony and intergenerational solidarity. To achieve our vision, we strive for an overall human, social, economic and environmental development, to improve the quality of life of all people in need. We are committed to helping every person in need regardless of race, creed, identity or beliefs.
  • Mission: CL, the common official socio-pastoral arm of the local Catholic Church in service of the poor and the promotion of love, charity and justice, provides economic development, livelihoods, health and social care, education, migration services, emergency and crisis intervention, human and humanitarian relief and aid, environmental stewardship, as well as advocacy and protection for all individuals and groups of people in need.
  • Geographic coverage: CL is active in 36 sectors nationwide. CL operates 10 Primary Health Care Centers (PHCCs), 9 Mobile Medical Clinics (MMUs), 11 community centers, 7 Lebanese centers and 5 shelters for migrants and refugees.
  • Youth Department: Youth is the age of self-construction, on the scale of an individual as on the scale of a generation as a whole. The socio-economic, security and political conditions in Lebanon constitute a great challenge for young people, who risk falling into disillusionment, violence, and delinquency. It is important today for young people to feel useful in a society that primarily approaches them as consumers. CL’s Youth Department aims to involve young people in social life as useful and responsible actors. CL is active in the field of youth since 2005. Currently, CL gathers more than 1400 youth between 14 and 34, from all the regions in Lebanon. Youth department conducts different activities such as trainings and workshops, environmental activities (beaches and rivers cleaning, reforestation), sports activities (football and basketball tournaments), houses restorations, creation of green spaces, music bands, organization of outings for elderly, organization of fairs for children, and summer camps.


Italian Final Event Poster

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